Wondering how to fix Canon Pixma MX922 error code C000? Well, this error code is usually displayed on the control panel display of the printer in question. There can be many reasons behind the display of this error code. These may also include partial or improper removal of any packaging material or improper placement of ink tanks. Another reason could be a possible obstruction in the paper feed path.

Here’s What You Can Do About it:
- Be sure to remove any packing material that may be present.
- Carefully reinstall all ink tanks.
- Be sure to carefully remove any jammed paper or similar obstruction from the paper feed path.
- If nothing works after the steps above, make sure to turn off the printer and unplug the power cord first. Then plug the power cord back in and turn the printer back on. This may solve the problem.
Read: How to Fix Canon Printer Error Code U043 (Solved)
How to Fix Canon Pixma MX922 Error Code C000
According to experts this problem usually occurs when there is a variation in the size of the paper as compared to the paper kept in the tray. You should always check your printer settings for any connection issues and also remove any extra pages from the tray. You can reinsert pages of the appropriate size and then choose the OK option. You should also check the correct location of the ink tank in this regard and restart your printer, which according to many experts can solve the problem completely.
If you are unable to solve the problem by following the above steps, you can contact HP support anytime. You can always try to move the ink tank as close to you as possible. Gently push down and get closer. However, if there is an obstruction, do not attempt to move the ink tank too close.
You can also open the printer’s front cover, then open and close the print head lock lever. Make sure that the printhead is not removed in this case. Sometimes this can be a trivial solution to the problem. These steps should help you fix the problem on your own. If not, you can always contact Canon Printer Support at +1-888-840-1555 for further clarification.